If there's one thing we recommend first when someone asks for easy ways to reduce inflammation it's tossing out those highly processed, hydrogenated cooking oils. What should you use instead? Our flaxseed cooking oil! Check out these purple potato chips by @themindfulblonde
Organic Benefits:
- Packed with heart healthy fats like omega-3's
- Refined sugar free
- Packed with antioxidants
What You’ll Need:
Dairy Free - Gluten Free - Vegan - Refined Sugar Free
Preheat your oven to 400. Thinly slice potatoes and lay out over parchment paper. Lightly cote in flaxseed cooking oil. Bake at 400 for 20-25 mins flip half way through. Season with salt and pepper or other spices for more flavour like smokeed paprika, onion and garlic. Enjoy with some homemade salsa, or on their own!